The journey from a timid, highly vulnerable individual to a confident girl
With Sparkling cheeks that night, along with some high end dramatic eyes, a beautiful posture and an amazing pair of heels, I remember I was leaving for an ostentatious evening out with friends when I just stopped for a second or two.
Maybe those two seconds were enough to run some shivers down my spine.
From a timid, highly vulnerable individual to a confident girl that I was now, I would say the journey has been long. I reminisce those days when I used to feel that the universe and all components of it were against me.
My complexion is brown in a fairly average-fairish society. My hair has been rough and untamed curly. And all around me were some beautiful long luscious locks stealing away all the hearts and attention.
I was average-looking back then. I am average-looking even now. But I can tell you how these four years in college have changed me. And this change hasn’t been as outward as it was within.
Back in my early college days, when I was merely a fresher, a sudden reality happened to dawn on me just like a lightening that would struck someone and flip my life forever. Do I really need to stand in front of the mirror and cry? Or be hesitant to wear a red lipstick just because, well, fair people can carry it off effortlessly?I must confess now, I look smoking hot when I put a red lipstick on.
I have been running away from my own realities.
From my own fears. From my own imperfections, which now, don’t even seem to be one.
I struggled finding my individuality for the sole reason that I was different and, I guess ,that was how I was meant to be. Nobody can accept you till you do it for yourself first. Once I got my closure, there hasn’t been any stopping since then. I dress like a million bucks at parties, I put on makeup like a pro, I slip into my favorite 6 inch stilettos as if I just stepped on a feather and I laugh!
Laugh my heart out. Because, why not! I’ve come in terms with who I am and whosoever might be reading this, I’m telling you at 3:51 AM, that life is hard already, don’t make it harder by not accepting yourself. You’re your own muse and let no one ever bring you down.
You find your fears, touch them, feel them and then like a confident child, flush it off the pot. The next time you look into the mirror of your mind, heart or soul, you look for yourself and not for that manifestation of the society around you, which you have accepted it since years long.
“Be your very own perfection honey, fall in love, with you.”