The Inside Out: This trailer revels the real truth behind the walls of a girl’s pg
Usually, we do not get to see the reality of mordern female living spaces in Indian TV shows and movies. What’s shown is far from reality but this web-series trailer reflects how modern Indian woman live and survive the three most crucial years of their life, independently. From roommate fights to partying all night- this trailer took me back to my memory lane and made me cherish each moment.
PG’s are most colourably mysterious phase of every girl’s life. It is that place where you develop life cherishing bonds over the malfunctioned inductions and build worst of the fights over washroom clashes. The moral lectures comes in practice and a self developing and propagating “insomnia syndrome”, which is neither created nor instigated, gets into you and teaches “no sleep weekly survivals”. The life takes a sudden massive turn and your outlook and purview to every aspect changes.
I remember feeling a sudden rush of people and new faces in my life with their unending stories, opinions, thoughts, views, boasts, advices, traumas and dogmas going hand in hand with unending list of emotional diversity. Being an introvert, entering into pg life seemed as a nightmare to me. I was afraid of talking to new people and accepting their trends. It’s the same difference what you feel being in a family get together and friends hang out. Slowly and steadily, moving ahead, listening to people, taking their advices, smiling at everyone and being completely isolated inside the initial days passed and there then, lies the surprise package. Every moment here is a survival lesson, it’s then when we start learning to be independent.
The fun elements that come with the welcome air of pg is a blow of insomnia, which nobody instigates or provokes but it is prominent. The late night chats, conversations and over night antakshari sessions are the most popular life-style part of pgs. There were days when nobody talked and everybody was busy with work, life and relationships and then randomly, one day there would be non-stop chatters and sharing of boyfriend gossips and problems supported by never ending cups of coffee and tea, made by everyone as per their chance, and anytime Maggie accompanied by group sutta sessions and the best use of cameras
There is no moment when the pics are not clicked. From the worst made dish to special dress up for selfie at 12 in night, everything is captured and updated. There is a pg group named as any random thing and where the talks flow without making sense. From fighting over a t-shirt to sleeping together is the life that I explored inside pg.
The pg life is one survival guide that makes you ready to confront any situation in life. Else than the moral aspect of life, without actually experiencing we embraced the stories of everyone’s hook-ups, changing boyfriends, teaser chats, moody break-ups and the unending rants and abuses post breakup which even explored the sadistic sides when we go for break up parties.
No matter what happens, it’s a place where you grow together, stay together, learn together and where it doesn’t matter whether you are 17 or 32, what you are people accept you and love you. The heart-felt posters of “we are family” and the overnight birthday celebrations with dim lights and loud music, savouring the exotic feel with the booze and dancing, its truly possible only in the one place that is PG. It is the place where the loudest day bitches are most soft night maidens. In each corner of hall and room, overnight conversations to boyfriends in the mildest tones possible and then sharing the known smiles is a watchable site. The conflict of emotions also arises at a certain point when someone is very happy and the other is pondering over the past weeks mistakes in depression.
Whilst somewhere the water is calm, in another place in the very same ocean, there is a colossal storm.
I eventually learnt to balance the pace of my life living in pg and got the most heart-felt explanations to the doubts that nobody can answer. The doubts regarding hormone rush, sex life, making out, stopping at the right moment and how to initiate and how to keep the pace going. The most important lessons of caring, sharing, bitching, balancing, forgiving, loving and moving on is what a pg gives. The once unknown faces, are now the strength that empower everyone in that place to become better and confident. Everyone loves everyone, even in loathes and fights, even in bitching and ignoring. The one lesson that literally changes the meaning and views towards the life is PG; the second home.
– Shreya Shukla